The Maritime World

(MNV) Society.

The Maritime World (MNV) Society.

We strive to provide highest quality education, bridging your child's success with well formed infrastructure of knowledge and resources.


A place to learn and grow together

In this world full of divisions made on every minute basis, learning to appreciate the different talents and features that each person has is the biggest quality one can imbibe in a lifetime. Building systems within corporations, schools and families to conform people into factory-made tools should be given a new horizon to breathe in. Imagine if all sharks were taught to be like manatees, or corals to be like algae, the entire marine life would cease to exist and the billions of people whose livelihood depends on it would be threatened.

Nature has the ability to paint unending wonder into our blue planet through its incredible brushstroke. We, at the Maritime World Society, take complete inspiration from the baby turtles. They are born with what seems to be an innate and unabating sense that if they don’t give up, if they keep pushing just a little longer, if they fight for the treasure they know what is waiting for them at the finish line, any difficulty or hurdle they encounter on their way to it is worth it. In the similar way, we want to inculcate this habit amongst the children to never give up and keep believing in themselves.

our mission

International School

5 World Languages

Smart Classes

250+ Courses

Horse Riding

Financial Aid


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The Maritime World (MNV) Society. is a wonderful place to work. My colleagues are smart, kind, and supportive. The school is well organized and efficient. But what keeps me coming back are the wonderful kids I get to teach and learn from every day. They are in the right hands.

Captain Rajiv Kacker

Chairman MWS MNV Society

Courses offered with 5 india languages and 120 electives.
States represented by over 550 Students.
Students with 8% under Cultural Council.
Teaching faculty with 8 men and 12 women.

At a Glance

Maritime World Society has a unique and peacefully dwelling fraternity of professoriate from the big blue ocean to the cultural land working unobtrusively and uninterruptedly to sustain, operate and enhance the world. The Society was registered on August 21, 2021.

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Because you deserve to shine.

Enroll for a new admission on or before April 2024